Creating a B2B marketing budget is an important part of any business’s financial planning and can make or break its performance in the long run. It takes careful consideration, research, and foresight to ensure that the right strategies are allocated the right amount of resources. To help you better understand how to create a B2B marketing budget and make sure it meets your business’s goals, here are ten steps to get you started.

How a B2B marketing plan differs from a B2C one

Not only every business, but every department of every business, whether it’s the HR department or accounting, needs a budget. There’s a distinct difference between a B2B and B2C marketing plan. The former is typically more focused on the long-term goals of the company, while the latter tends to focus on shorter-term objectives.

Additionally, typical B2B marketing strategies involve multiple channels in order to target a larger audience. This may include public relations, email campaigns, and digital marketing. B2C marketing plans may also include multiple channels, but these will tend to be more geared towards the consumer level with a focus on branding and product promotion.

When creating a budget for your B2B marketing plan, it is important to account for each of these aspects separately. This will help ensure that you are investing in the right channels and activities that will help your company reach its goals.

Once you have an understanding of how a B2B marketing plan differs from a B2C one, it’s time to start creating a budget for your marketing efforts. This can be broken down into 10 steps.

Identify the goals of your B2B marketing plan

You first need to determine the goals of your B2B marketing efforts. This may include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales. Once you have identified the objectives, you can begin to create a budget to achieve them.

You want to make sure that your goals aren’t too ambitious. There might be a temptation to set overly high goals, but this may end up being too costly and result in a lack of success.

Assess your current marketing channels

It’s important to take a look at the marketing channels that you currently have in place. This will enable you to identify which ones are working and which ones are not. For example, if you’re using social media to drive traffic to your website, but it does not have the desired effect, then you may want to consider reducing your budget for this channel and investing more in other areas.

You want to have a good idea of where your ideal customer spends most of their time. For B2B companies, these are often places like Linkedin, industry publications, or niche websites. In the case of the latter, you might want to consider a content marketing-heavy approach to drive visibility and increase trust among potential customers.

Calculate the cost of each activity

Once you have identified your marketing activities, it’s time to calculate the cost of each one. This includes the costs for design, labor, materials, and other related expenses. Great thing that there are accounting tools like a general ledger software for this cruicial business task. It’s important to be realistic about the amount you need to spend to acquire a customer or lead.

Managing your business expenses effectively is crucial for the financial health of your company. For instance, if you’re running a business that involves significant operating expenses, you might find this free template helpful for budgeting and tracking these costs. It’s important to be realistic about the amount you need to spend to acquire a customer or lead

If you have any existing contracts or agreements with vendors, now is the time to take a look at them. Do they need to be renegotiated in order to align with your budget?

Figure out which KPIs are the most important and build your budget around them

A marketing budget should always be built around a good understanding of the essential KPIs. For a B2B company, these might be things like cost per click, cost per lead, and conversion rate. It is important to define these metrics before you start building your budget so that you can track performance.

One of the biggest marketing pitfalls is failure to understand and act on your KPIs, so make sure you have a clear understanding of them before you start planning your budget.

Set aside discretionary funds

It is important to set aside some money in your budget for unexpected expenses and opportunities. This could include anything from running an ad on a new platform to attending a trade show or sponsoring an event. This can be a great way to keep up with industry trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Prioritize your marketing activities

Now that you have identified the different channels, calculated the costs of each activity, and set aside some discretionary funds, it’s time to prioritize what you’re going to do first.

Monitor your budget and adjust accordingly

Your B2B marketing plan should be regularly monitored to ensure that it is achieving its goals. You want to constantly assess your results, make adjustments where necessary, and reallocate funds as needed.

Set recurring budgetary meetings and events that involve stakeholders from all parts of the team to review progress and make changes where necessary.

A B2B marketing budget is a crucial component of any business’s financial planning and has the potential to make or break its success over the long term.

Making sure that the appropriate tactics are given the appropriate amount of resources requires significant thought, investigation, and foresight.

Re-evaluate your goals periodically

As your market evolves, so should your marketing plan. You want to stay in touch with customer needs and industry trends, as this will help you adjust your plan to ensure it continues to meet those needs.

Take advantage of new technologies and platforms, as they can help you reach new customers and open up new channels for engagement. Make sure your goals are regularly evaluated to ensure that they still make sense, given the current market conditions.


Creating a B2B marketing budget is an important part of any successful marketing campaign or SaaS growth strategy. Taking the time to plan and prioritize your activities, calculate costs, and re-evaluate goals periodically will help ensure that you get the most out of your budget. With a smart approach, you can maximize the impact of every dollar you spend on marketing.