Have a look at our Database Snapshot


Physicians Contacts


Hospital Contacts


Executive Contacts


Guaranteed 95%
Above Accuracy

How does it help your team?


For Sales

Increase your team’s efficiency by empowering them with the access to contacts of key decision makers without any hassle or time delay.

Prepare a custom filter based on your ICP and find the list of similar profiles you can target.

Use the additional data attributes to personalize your value offering and close deals faster.

Easily export the list to any CRM by exporting the final file as a csv.


For Marketing

Use the comprehensive Intelligence source across Hospitals, Physicians, Patient flow and more to understand the purchase patterns and buyers journey. Use the advanced filters to segment your target personas and scale up your niche marketing efforts for maximum success.

Personalize your marketing messages based on your study and segment to create instant revenue impact.

Check out our Solutions for your Sales Teams

Ampliz Enterprise

Ampliz Enterprise

With Ampliz Enterprise, you can turn your email campaigns to lead gen machines with targeted Contact lists

Ampliz SalesBuddy

Ampliz SalesBuddy

Get Company, Contact and Contextual Intelligence without switching platforms via our chrome extension.

Contextual Intelligence

Contextual Intelligence

Ace your ABM campaigns with personalized intelligence about your prospect that will help you close the deal faster.

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