About BUTZ + KLUG architecture

PHILOSOPHY The continuing aspiration of our office is to create buildings of extraordinary beauty. This is not only rewarding t ... o us but also serves the best interest of our clients both immediate day-to-day life and long term economic interests. To that end we assemble a team that has the same aspirations, from our employees to contractors and artisans. The 'style'​ of our work varies from project to project depending on client, budget and site (context and locale). Using these conditions as a point of departure produces a uniqueness that characterizes each project. We also enjoy the belief that utility and beauty often have the same ends, and that these ends are unrelated to economics and style. We also believe that beauty grows exponentially in the details and fabric of the building. We are described as obsessive and we enjoy that description, knowing that the details amplify the operative ideas of our work, contribute a continual sense of wonder and enjoyment to those that use our buildings and add an unmatched value to our clients. SUSTAINABILITY The threshold between a building's aesthetics and its physics is rarely abrupt. It is not only a wise use of resources to have the sun warm you in the winter and be shielded from it in the summer, to employ a breeze to assist in a building's ventilation, or to use familiar or local materials, it feels good. Our buildings have always been extremely frugal with the energy that they consume, careful about the materials they are made of, and responsible in the manner of their construction, not because the 'green-ness'​ of a building has become a compelling contemporary pursuit, but because a building's relationship to its climate, culture, the lives and rituals of its inhabitants has always lead us there. Design not only delights the sense of sight, it engages the entire range of senses and values of its inhabitants. Show more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding BUTZ + KLUG architecture

Where are BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s headquarters?

BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s headquarters are in 157 W Newton St., Boston, MA, United States, 02118

What is BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s industry?

BUTZ + KLUG architecture is in the industry of: Architecture & Planning,Design

What is BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s phone number?

BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s phone number is (617) 536-7399

What is BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s official website?

BUTZ + KLUG architecture’s official website is www.bkarch.com

How many employees are working in BUTZ + KLUG architecture?

BUTZ + KLUG architecture has 0-10 employees

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