Looking at the benefits an e-commerce website offers like 

  • Scalability
  • Increase sales
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Improve cost
  • Better customer service

have you also decided to have an e-commerce website? Having an e-commerce website is a revolutionary trend in B2B businesses. It can surely skyrocket your business growth if you put the right efforts into attracting the right customers to your website.

Like the static website, your e-commerce website also needs marketing and advertising to attract customers to it.

Attractive website design, ease of transaction, and the right efforts of marketing are all required to attract customers to your e-commerce website.

Let’s see each of these factors in detail to understand more.

6 Ways to Attract Customers to Your B2B e-commerce website

1. Create a website with clear and understood product listing with picture

When it comes to B2B e-commerce websites, the wholesalers have the misconception that your customer/retailer has all the knowledge required and they are just looking for the pricing.

If you also have such a misconception then you are wrong. Yes, you must post clear pictures of the product along with its detailed description.

This helps the visitor to visualize the product better and helps in making the purchase decision with confidence. Consider partnering with a reputable webflow enterprise agency to ensure your B2B e-commerce platform effectively communicates product details and enhances the overall user experience.

2. Give them easy access to account information

Keeping things easy is the first step towards attracting and retaining customers to your B2B E-commerce website. If you are providing your customers with in-house credit accounts, then you must give them easy access to see all the information like

Current balance

Remaining available credit 

Payment due date


Other relatable information

The purpose of doing this is to reduce the amount of calls you get to your office.

Arm them as much information as you can, even you can also give them other information like stock availability and specific pricing. 

3. Make the checkout process easier

Do you know that the cart abandonment % across all industries is almost  69.57%? 

This indicates that most buyers face difficulty at the checkout process. Due to the nature of the business and numbers of decision makers involved, B2B buyers took their time to decide on the buyer. Along with all the benefits features, and prices, they also consider the checkout process.

The easier the process of checkout more are the chances of conversion. The more clicks and actions buyers need to perform to complete the order, less are the chances they will do it. So make sure you add the quick forms and multiple payment options, and keep checkout steps to a minimum. This will help you keep cart abandonment % less and visitors complete the checkout process. You can solve it by enhancing your order management in a way that will allow you to have easy payment solutions and track orders from placement to shipping.

4. Make sure your website is SEO friendly

You have done everything right with your website design to make it look attractive, informative, and user friendly;  all these efforts will fetch you rewards when you have people coming on your website. 

But how could you do that? That’s when making your website SEO-optimized comes into the picture. SEO stands for search engine optimization. This means including those keywords in your website for what people are searching more in Google. If your website has those keywords for what people are looking for mostly and if they are relatable, google will index your website and will also rank it gradually.

Although SEO is an ever-growing and time-consuming process, it is worth marketing tactics to invest your effort and money in.

When two B2B e-commerce websites are selling the same products, the one that has a higher ranking will get more traffic and a chance of conversions.

5. Do enough advertising about e-commerce website

Like SEO, running ads on your e-commerce website is also one more important way of generating brand awareness. While SEO is an organic way of generating traffic to your website, ads are paid. SEO takes longer for results, while ads give you instant results. You can run social media ads, or PPC, or YouTube ads which give you more results and where your target audience spends their time mostly.

Though ads give you results instantly, you need to create these with certain things in mind like

  1. Write good ad copy with keywords and efficient call to action
  2. Craft your ad with a specific customer in your mind
  3. Make your ad mobile friendly
  4. Know when your ads perform the best. If your ads are not working on holidays then keep them switched off.

6. Post customer reviews and testimonials

Do you know while buying online from a B2C e-commerce store, people always check how many stars the product has got from how many people? That’s how they decide whether to buy the product or not.

The same is applicable for B2B e-commerce stores.

No matter how much you explain the features and benefits of your product to your prospects, they are always gonna trust past customer reviews.

That’s why make sure you post testimonials of your past customers either in text or in video format.


Your B2B e-commerce website helps you sell your products worldwide even when you are sleeping. You just need the right strategies to create brand awareness with the right marketing techniques. The points discussed above will help you create a user-friendly website and right marketing strategies.