Many businesses believe email marketing is outdated. But, often forget that it is the cornerstone of business marketing strategies. However, you need to have proper planning for the email campaigns to be successful.

Even though it is one of the oldest digital communication modes, it still prevails in the market when it comes to usage. There are several other channels to leverage and target your audience. With a user base of 4 million, email marketing still remains the king of marketing campaigns.

Whether we like it or not- Email marketing is beating Social Media, affiliate marketing, and SEO. Why?

Data shows that every year, more and more people are on email! Also, unlike other marketing platforms, email marketing does not hold any specific algorithms to take care of. Emails help you make your own connections and do not tank your reach like other platforms.

This is why email marketing campaigns are more important than ever.

Best Email Marketing Strategy Step By Step

Before you start sending out emails to your prospects, you need to have a few things straight. Ensure that you have all the marketing materials required for a successful email marketing campaign. Let’s discuss the best email marketing steps that every marketer has their hands on to ensure success in the respective campaign.

Step 1- Build List

You need to have your email list before you start sending out emails to the audience. How to do that? You can start by adding a form to your website, blogs, or a banner on the website. The message can simply convey to them to subscribe, or maybe you just collect their email to offer them a free trial of your product!

Consider email addresses as currency. You will not give it for free, right? So, you need to offer your prospect the right incentive that benefits them in exchange for their email address. It can be simple newsletters, personalized offers, a specific user discount on signup, etc.

Step 2- Create Good Content

Email is inclusive of the best content and the graphics incorporated that resonate with the audience to click. You need to have your message, content structure, and Call to action (CTA). Also, keep in check with the follow-up messages and emails.

Before you head on to create content for emails, design your customer email journey for the customers to make it easy for the mail writer. Once you have the journey in your hand, the flow becomes smooth for your marketing team and the writing team. Ensure to have the right message tone and word choices.

Step 3- Analytics and Segmentation

Now let’s take things to the next level. As we have learned about the basics of email marketing, now comes the exciting part- Analytics & Segmentation. This process helps refine the broadcast and generate better revenue than the primary email campaign.

Understand the Email analytics– it is pretty similar to the auditing of web analytics to keep all the web vitals in check. All the metrics provided under email marketing campaigns are significant. Yet, the most important ones are- open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribes. Yet, the most important ones are- open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribes. To be in full control of your domain security and subscribers’ retention track the records on your DMARC report.

Once you have the analytics on these three aspects, you can learn why your email was opened, why people unsubscribed to your newsletter, or why the click-through rate was down in this particular campaign.

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Email Marketing Strategy for B2B

Want to improve your B2B Email marketing strategy but are not sure where to start? It is common for marketers to get confused after a certain point with email marketing campaigns. And approach the B2B prospects.

Before we begin, giving you a head up- this is not a B2B marketing rule or guide. It is merely the best practices or the best email marketing strategy B2B businesses can adopt for their marketing campaigns.

Let’s start.

Filter Leads

The first step is to segregate your data into prospects and pleasure seekers. Email marketing strategy B2B companies should begin at the lead generation level. This brings the right leads for the campaigns. Why? Because this helps in curating messages that resonate with the broadcast audience.

A lot of marketers do not spend enough time differentiating their customers among the leads. This leads to unnecessary usage of resources, efforts, and time. Simple categorization helps direct the prospect to the appropriate sales cycle or information-driven cycle to generate better conversions.

Find your Email Database Service Provider

The second step lies in choosing the relevant and suitable email database service provider. Sure, there are a myriad of options in the market, but not all suit your budget or needs. Run thorough research and understand each email database service provider in depth. Understand what functionalities each platform offers and how it will benefit you, meet your budget, meet your business needs, etc.

Check what integrations they offer, their metrics, and everything you can learn. All this research will help in streamlining the email campaigns for your business. You can compare the previous slo vs sla of the service provider you want to choose to assess the service provider’s reliability, support capabilities, and overall commitment to meeting your service needs.

Craft Perfect Email Subject Lines

Creating a subject line is not easy! It is the most crucial part of email because it entices the user to open the emails. Always be peculiar while deciding on the subject lines- if it can increase your open rates, it can also land you in the bin. Keep it short, crispy, and relevant to the content inside.

Learn about the audience, keep track of the trends related to the recent scenarios, and create subject lines with the brand guidelines to check for the audience. Spend enough time curating the perfect subject line before sending it out for the campaign. Also, you can create 2-3 alternatives and test out the ones that entice the customer for a higher open rate.

Make Emails Rational, Information and Profit-Based

An email without a value provision is simply a bunch of texts and images slapped together. Do not have B2B emails list and B2C emails to be the same. Both the segments ought to have a different strategy. In the case of B2B, individuals are interested in business profit, your design, content, visuals, and messaging should be positioned accordingly. Humans love visuals and the message is transmitted better through them, you must invest in an iconic logo, and an outstanding design to benefit from this fact.

A B2B communication emphasizes more profit, information, and facts instead of the emotions in the case of B2C. B2B email addresses want to learn how collaborating with you makes them money.

In email copy, use fewer graphics, and be straightforward with your facts and figures. Gain attention based on numbers; they do not need emotions! Make sure the communication style and content tone match the needs of B2B businesses.

Include one Call to Action

A call to action is a must in an email copy or newsletter. A user should have the proper flow in the email copy and land on the call to action for final action. Depending upon your product, services, and your offerings, you must fixate on one CTA.

Have a powerful subject line with a CTA and a message that builds the audience’s curiosity to take a peek at the email. Also, make sure to include only one CTA, not multiple. Because this keeps the user focused and clears on what you are offering and what they can benefit from you.

Best Time to Send Business Email

There is no specificity of the times when the email campaign is the best run. Yet, several platforms have their own observations on the best time to send a business email:


The promotional emails are best sent early in the morning, around 8 am. Emails at such time resulted in a 20.3% open rate and a click-through rate of 77.9%. Whereas emails sent at 10 am also showed high open and click-through rates, the orders were fewer. Additionally, evening times like 4 pm and 5 pm are the best time to send business emails.


Their research shows that two times are best for sending business emails. The first is from 10 am to 10:30 am, and the second is between 3 pm and 4 pm. These times are a little surprising as most of us indulged at work at these times. However, even during these times, people check their emails to get some work done- whether personal or professional.


Intercom analyzed through their data that the best time to send emails is between 10 am to 11 am.

Build or Buy Email Database

Every business has its approach to running an email marketing campaign. Some prefer to generate their own data, whereas some prefer to buy an email database to get the marketing going. Therefore, you can either have your email database built or buy your email database from a trustworthy source.

Building an email database is not as easy as it seems. You have run multiple campaigns on multiple platforms. Initially, you need to work with numerous variations of email campaigns to understand which resonates with your prospect the most. Each lead form collected will collect thousands of data, then you have to segregate them based on their intent and then create a specific category for them.

You can skip all these hassles and unnecessary expenditure of resources and time by buying an email database. With a pre-made email database in hand, all you need to focus on is the marketing campaigns. You have to find the best email database provider in the market, evaluate their plans, and understand how they benefit your marketing goals.

In a nutshell, we can understand that building a database is quite difficult, and we can always solve the issue by buying the email database from a trusted database provider. So, if you are looking for the best APAC business database provider, then you are at the right platform. Ampliz offers a wide range of databases. You can select your target audience database based on your company’s needs. Ampliz is known as the leading provider of APAC Business Mailing List. Let’s see below.

Where to Buy APAC Business Mailing List?

If you are looking for the best APAC Business Mailing List, your search ends here with Ampliz. They have a whole team of 800+ data researchers who continuously work on finding the emails, scrubbing the mail database, and verifying them before recording them into the master data repository.

Ampliz has a 4 M+ APAC business mailing list to help you streamline your marketing campaigns without any hiccups. The database provided has 25+ attributes to help you filter your target audience based on firmographic, demographic, and technographic details. So, you need to spend hours in data collection, screening, and verification. Skip all these steps and start marketing with the Ampliz.

Ampliz is the leading source of B2B Database Providers in the APAC region. Regardless of the industry and companies you want to tap into, Ampliz has the solutions for all your data needs. You are only a click away from accessing the millions of data.

We understand that each business needs to have a specific strategy for thor email or direct market campaigns. Just chalk out your ideal customer profiles, find out ehri problems, and analyze personalized solutions for them. Sourcing and managing data can be a little complex, given the business operations involved in APAC across diverse industries. Leverage Ampliz database to put an end to your data related challenges.

Fill the form below to run an effective email campaign with a verified business contact database of APAC region companies.

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