Are you an medical equipment marketer and looking to find assisted living facilities in US to market your products and services? Then this the right place for you!!

Seeing the growing demand for assisted living facilities, do you also want to know how to find an assisted living facilities?

As per the research, the US assisted living facility was valued at $ 91.8 billion in 2022, and is expected to expand at an annual growth rate of 5.53% from 2023 to 2030.

As per the research, the US will need almost 881,000 new units by 2030, and 9,86000 by 2040. 

This means, more and more people are choosing assisted living facilities. This demand will also give rise to the demand for the things being utilized at assisted living facilities.

Whether it’s about medicines, wheelchairs, or any other medical equipment, assisted living facilities are in dire need of that to give the best experience to their residents. 

So if you own something that helps ALF to elevate the residents’ experience then it’s the best time to reach them out.

But the question comes how and where do you find assisted living facilities, right?? 

If you are stuck on this idea, then this blog is for you. We are going to discuss ways to finding assisted living facilities in the US.

Let’s get started with the number of assisted living facilities in the US.

As per the study, there are 33, 000 assisted living facilities in the US. Now let’s compare the number of assisted living facilities in each state.

Number of Assisted Living Facilities in US By State

StatesNumber of assisted living facilities
Rhode Island64
North Dakota82

If you are interested to get this list and help finding assisted living facilities more in the US, Reach Ampliz with fill the form below.


As you can notice from the table, the top five states in the table have more assisted living opportunities. 

Because they have a large number of baby boomers. Now that you have recognized the target market, next comes recognizing your potential customer and deciding upon an Ideal customer profile.

Both of these are very crucial to get the best reward for your efforts. Now let’s understand each of these terms.

1. Potential customers 

These are the ones who might need your product or service, and who have similar past purchase history, or search history. Contacting only these customers increases your chances of conversion.

Because unless and until your product becomes product-market fit, you can’t sell anything.

2. Ideal customer profile

Now even if you have recognized the potential customers, don’t pitch all of them. Yes, before you reach out to them, make sure they fit your requirements. 

You need to study their specialization, the revenue they generate, company size, and so on. This will help you to decide whether they have the potential to buy your products.

These two factors can help you filter your search and can easily reach out to ideal Assisted living facilities.

And to find them you can utilize many resources as explained below. Let’s see how to find an assisted living facility.

How to Find an Assisted Living Facilities

1. Online Searches 

As we all know, the internet is always an excellent source of information for anything you need to know; it’s no different when looking for assisted living facilities in the US. 

You can use search engines such as Google and Bing to search for relevant keywords related to your target audience, like “assisted living facilities near me,” and “senior care homes in New York.” 

This will help you find assisted living facilities that accept medicaid.

2. Social Media Platforms 

You can also consider social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. These two are the most popular channels where businesses connect with customers online. 

You can leverage these platforms effectively, by creating profiles and pages on these social media sites dedicated to senior care services while building large networks of followers interested in this topic.

As we know Social media is powerful tool finding an assisted living facility anywhere in the US. Let use the help of social media for the source of finding assisted living facilities

3. Local Directories 

Local directories are another useful resource if used properly in the process of find assisted living facilities.

There are many local directories available online that list various types of businesses located within specific geographic regions across the United States. 

These directories provide contact details (phone numbers, addresses) of assisted living facilities; therefore, marketers can go through them and identify suitable places.

4. Industry Associations 

Joining industry associations such as National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL), American Seniors Housing Association (ASHA), and Senior Living Innovation Forum will give access to valuable resources about trends shaping senior care services and insights into best practices employed by leading firms in this sector.

5.Personal Contacts 

Networking helps one expand their circle thereby widening your options on finding what they’re looking out for. Ask friends, family members or colleagues if they know any good assisted living facility around you.

6. Contact Healthcare Data Providers

The above-mentioned methods are a great way to find your ideal prospects, if you are ready to invest your time, and can put your reputation at risk.

Yes, because it’s time-consuming and secondly there is no guarantee of the accuracy of contact information in some of the methods. Isn’t it so demotivating to face hard bounces even after putting in lots of time and effort?

And therefore the easiest and most effective way is to contact healthcare data providers like Ampliz.

Ampliz provides you with a comprehensive list of healthcare centers, healthcare providers, and medical imaging centers that includes mobile numbers, email addresses, and even hospital phone numbers.

With this list, you can easily reach out to your ideal customers. The amazing thing about this list is it is accurate, real-time updated, and compliant with all security standards.


Why Choose Ampliz to Find Assisted Living Facilities?

Ampliz is the best prospective platform to find best assisted living facilities in the United States. Let’s see why.

1. Ampliz collects the data from 100+ credible sources and gets them validated by 800+ experts that make the dataset accurate.

2. With the blend of AI and manual efforts, Ampliz refreshes the data at regular intervals, which makes the data real-time updated.

3. Ampliz lets you choose the status of an email address. That means you will pay for the quality of data rather than for quantity. You can select the email addresses that are refreshed before 30 days, 60 days, and 120 days, with an accuracy of >85%, >75%, and <75%. 

All these attributes make your investment in Ampliz worthwhile and you can easily and effectively find assisted living facility you are looking to target.


Finding out the right assisted living facility is necessary to get a higher conversion, but without having certain clarity on potential clients and ICP you won’t make it possible. Once you have that clarity, then only you can easily search them with the mentioned methods.