Connecting, understanding, and nurturing with prospects is the soul of the sales process. These steps ensure the rapid conversion of cold leads to warm leads. But it all starts with finding the prospects. Finding the right target market, and getting the audience interested in your service and product has become quite easier in this age of different social media platforms. One of the best social platform is LinkedIn. LinkedIn for Sales prospecting is effective way to generate more leads.

Social media platforms are great places to reach out to your most potential customers. Although there is no shortage of social media platforms, being on a right platform changes the whole game. When it comes to reaching professionals in any industry Linkedin is the most preferred social media platform. 

There are about 85 million Linkedin users in India and this number is increasing day by day.  Linkedin has become an unavoidable and essential pillar of B2B prospects. 

According to the report,  89% of sales professionals use Linkedin sales techniques for closing sales deals. Thus Linkedin for sales prospecting has become an important step in B2B marketing and sales.  Linkedin is a goldmine for all professionals either looking to find a new job or to find that one more client that takes one step closer to predetermined sales goals. 

But all these require some real effort and strategies that reap benefits beyond your imagination. 

So if you are the one looking to try your hands in Linkedin for prospecting to find more clients and close high-paying deals, then read the blog till last, as we are going to reveal how to use LinkedIn for sales prospecting.

But before discussing the strategies let’s understand what Linkedin prospecting actually means.

What is Linkedin Prospecting?

Linkedin prospecting is all about searching, identifying, and connecting with LinkedIn users to convert them into new potential customers. The success of Linkedin prospecting involves knowing your target audience and curating the most persuasive and personalized message to convince them to have a conversation with you. 

Linkedin prospecting best practices will fetch you you’re determined results if you follow these three golden rules suggested by Forbes

1) Have a clear message

2) Establish your credibility

3) Build your expertise

Now let’s discover 8 Linkedin prospecting best practices strategies and rules that help you to implement these 3 golden rules.

How to use Linkedin for Sales Prospecting?

Here are the top 8 LinkedIn sales techniques that can assist to reach the right prospecting through LinkedIn. This section assist everyone to learn how to use LinkedIn for prospecting.

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1) Optimized your profile

Optimizing your Linkedin profile is a simpler yet more important step to start with. Without an optimized and complete profile, none of your prospects will be able to find you or show interest in you.  It involves completing every field starting from headlines, summary or about section, your project and media, and the number of years of experience you have.

By filling each of these fields, it is of utmost importance to write everything creatively, it should engage readers and should not bore them. For example, Linkedin will automatically populate the headline with your job title, but you should replace it with some creative headlines that show what you bring to the table.

Similarly, in the about section also,  don’t just write what you are doing but rather explain who you are,  why you are doing what you are doing, and so on. Your headline and about section are your chance to create an impression on your prospects, don’t let them go in vain.

2) Use Search filters

Linkedin Search filters are an amazing tool to find your most potential target customers. There is an incredible hidden power in this white search space at the top of your profile that allows you to refine your search using simple filters. 

For example when you type the sales manager in the search filter and select people you will be allowed to narrow down the opportunities through filtering by

  • Connections(1st, 2nd,3rd)
  • # of connection
  • Location
  • Current companies
  • Past companies
  • Industries
  • first and last names

3) Send personalized connection request

Once you have done enough search for your target audience, now it’s time to send them a connection request. Having a connection with your prospects will increase your chances of conversion as that will enable you to come on their feed and remind them about you.

But why would someone who doesn’t know you accept your connection request? But to make them accept your connection request send a personalized invitation. Linkedin personalized invitation allows you to send 150 words. In those 150 words, you can send a personalized invitation by introducing yourselves and the reason why you want to connect with them. 

Integrating tools like Sales Navigator Leads Scraper can significantly enhance your LinkedIn prospecting efforts. This tool offers advanced lead search features and real-time insights, enabling you to efficiently find and connect with potential clients, streamlining the process of turning cold leads into warm prospects.

4) Join and participate in the Linkedin group

Joining the LinkedIn group will enable you to connect with your prospects before you actually reach out to them. Find the groups of which your customers or prospects are an active part. List such types of groups and check the number of members, and whether the groups are open or closed. Become an active member of 2-3 such groups and engage with others in the group. Share your thoughts, your learnings, and your experience that will make you a known face in the group and make it easier for your prospects to recognize you when you reach out to them. 

This will also help you to show your expertise in your industry and make people trust you with your product and service. 

5) Use Linkedin Email extractor

Email is still the most preferred means of communication among professionals. They like to receive promotional messages and industry updates through the mail, and this requires communicating with them through mail apart from Linkedin. 

And guess what LinkedIn allows you to get email addresses from the profile of professionals.

Linkedin shows the email id of your first connection, but not that of 2nd or 3rd connection. In such cases, you can use various email extractor tools like Linked helper that fetch you the email addresses of your target customers.

Pitching and nurturing your prospects via email will become quite easy and will increase your chances of conversion.

6) Check the comment section of your prospect’s post

If you look and study closely every section on your LinkedIn profile and feed is full of prospecting opportunities. Such is the comment section of your prospect’s post. If you read the comment section of your prospect’s post you will come across more people from your target audience. Thus you connect with them an expand the boundary of your target audience. 

7) Use Linkedin endorsement

Linkedin endorsement is one of the most important tools to find your prospects, but not many people know its importance. People will always endorse those belonging to their industry. For example, if you will check the endorsement section of content writers, they are always being endorsed by fellow content writers. This is the same for all the other industries. 

By checking the endorsement section of your customers you can find more such people in your target audience that increase the scope of your reach and the growth of your business.

8) Use Linkedin people also view

Like a LinkedIn endorsement, people also view the section on LinkedIn that also serves you an opportunity to get connected with people similar to your target audience. On the profile of every LinkedIn user, you will find a section that lists people of similar industries. 

This section will help you to get connected with a more targeted audience, and increase your number of followers and ultimately your reach. 


Thus it’s easy to find prospects and convert them into your customers by following these 8 strategies.

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